Larry Hauptman —Observational Documentary Photographs

“A man is shown only what is suggested by his own thoughts.” The Talmud

Gallery Viewing Tips

      Across the top of a page are links to different parts of this website. At the bottom of a page are links to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest and links to this site's Collections, Destinations, and Semi-Private galleries.

     Most galleries present photos in a slide view followed by a gallery of the images. A few are slide view only. The gallery of images below the slide view display all the images in that gallery. You can click on an image to display that image in the larger slide view above. Where thumbnail images are contained on a page, usually above the slide view, they link to closely related galleries.

     Holding the cursor over a slide displays options in the upper left as well as navigation arrows. Clicking on the right or left of an image moves to the next or previous photograph.   Clicking on one of the icons selects its option:

     And finally, if you are viewing this site on a small, smartphone screen, slideshows open with a static image showing the number of photographs in the lower left. Click on the image to begin the show.

Recent Destinations:

We're finished with Covid even if it isn't with us.
  1. British Isles
  2. Norway
  3. Iceland
  4. Iberian Voyage
  5. Festifools Ann Arbor
  6. Hash Bash Ann Arbor
  7. Turkiye
  8. Georgia
  9. Armenia
  10. Inside Vietnam
  11. East Africa Incredible Safaris

An Undisturbed Moment

     The Human Condition encompasses the challenges humans face in their interactions with one another and the world at large.  While cultures may vary significantly, do people fundamentally differ?  Do their thoughts and needs vary significantly?  A tour leader once remarked that these individuals lead lives that “are neither better nor worse, but simply different.”  It is this exploration of diverse cultures and societies, unobtrusively witnessed and documented, that fuels my passion for travel and documenting life, while striving to remain an unobtrusive photographer.

      Irrespective of geographical location, customs, governments, or socio-economic factors, my observations have revealed that most individuals have created the life they know as normal for themselves and their families, adapting to their unique situations.

      Within the realm of Lyrical Portraiture, a genre of Observational Docuementary Street Photography focused on photographing people in undisturbed moments, I intentionally choose to photograph unposed subjects from around the world.  I find that the most revealing and impactful images are those that freeze undramatic moments in time.  I search for beauty in the everyday and people in scenes with a touch of ambiguity that can invoke the viewer's imagination.

The Galleries

     Click on one of the Links at the top of a page to visit the different sections of this site. You are presently at the Home page.  I suggest starting at the Collections page with galleries of favorite photos.  The Destinations page takes you to the galleries of the places visited around the world and the U.S. including some local events. Semi-Private page has links to galleries of interest primarily to family and close friends.  Finally the About page is what it says.